Last week, after getting permission from his GI dr, we decided to let Mason try eating again. We had taken a total break since about February since every time he ate by mouth he not only gagged, retched and hated every minute of it, he also got really sick (congested, wheezy, snotty) within 24 hours which lasted 2 weeks and no sleep for us during that time (not that we get any anyway lol). We had pretty much resigned ourselves to let it go, because it wasn't worth the misery he endured to try to eat by mouth.
BUT ...due to the need to try to bulk up his ... um, dirty diapers (Miralax causes some big blowouts and he needs to be on it to stay "moving,"...) and rather than put him on yet another supplement (fiber) we decided to see if he could get any fiber by mouth.. so.we tried oatmeal and pears. I use a spinning power toothbrush for kids to feed him, but cover up the end with a rubber finger baby toothbrush to make it as close as I can get it to a zvibe (a vibrating therapy spoon, which we'll get him soon)....
Well, suffice it to say, SOMEBODY showed up to EAT! ...Just look at him go! :D
Hmm..what is that...smells good! (WHAT?! He's always turned his head and growled when he's seen food coming!!) |
Hm...let me TASTE it! (He's NEVER used his tongue to sample stuff by licking it like this!!) |
Yumm, I think I'll have another lick!! |
OPENS HIS MOUTH for a bite!! And swallows! Again and again!! |
The boy ate the WHOLE tablespoon of food we offered! |
Blurry because he's CLAPPING FOR MORE!?!! :D |
No retching, no gagging, no crying...JUST SMILES and | claps | and | happy tears from Mommy! |
Now if we can just beat this UTI and URI so we can get back at it...we might just find ourselves with an eater on our hands!! :D ... That is our prayer...
"...Without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?" Ecc. 2:25